A modest plea for enlightened catastrophism

A modest plea for enlightened catastrophism

How, out of the interaction of individuals, can the appearance of an “objective order” arise which cannot be reduced to that interaction, but is experienced by the individuals involved as something which determines their lives? This is the ultimate mystery of the so-called human or social sciences. The great theoretical breakthrough of Jean-Pierre Dupuy’s recent… Continue reading A modest plea for enlightened catastrophism

Liberation Hurts, Interview with Eric Dean Rasmussen

Eric Dean Rasmussen: In [amazon asin=0262740257&text=The Puppet and the Dwarf] one of your theoretical maxims is that “in our politically correct times, it is always advisable to start with the set of unwritten prohibitions that define the positions one is allowed to adopt.” You argue that although proclamations for various forms of multiculturalist spirituality are currently in… Continue reading Liberation Hurts, Interview with Eric Dean Rasmussen

The Thing from Inner Space

JACQUES LACAN DEFINES ART itself with regard to the Thing: in his Seminar on the Ethics of Psychoanalysis, he claims that art as such is always organized around the central Void of the impossible-real Thing – a statement which, perhaps, should be read as a variation on Rilke’s old thesis that “Beauty is the last veil… Continue reading The Thing from Inner Space