Stalin: Paradoxes of Power, with Stephen Kotkin

Books by Kotkin [amazon template=thumbnail&asin=0143127861][amazon template=add to cart&asin=0143127861] [amazon template=thumbnail&asin=0812966791][amazon template=add to cart&asin=0812966791] [amazon template=thumbnail&asin=0195168941][amazon template=add to cart&asin=0195168941] [amazon template=thumbnail&asin=0520208234][amazon template=add to cart&asin=0520208234] STEPHEN KOTKIN: I think there are a lot of people out there, but I can’t see anyone. Which is fortunate. I get stage fright. I have to thank Jean Strouse again for… Continue reading Stalin: Paradoxes of Power, with Stephen Kotkin

Stalin: Paradoxes of Power, with Stephen Kotkin (podcast)

[Video version available here.] Books byKotkin [amazon template=thumbnail&asin=0143127861][amazon template=add to cart&asin=0143127861] [amazon template=thumbnail&asin=0812966791][amazon template=add to cart&asin=0812966791] [amazon template=thumbnail&asin=0195168941][amazon template=add to cart&asin=0195168941] [amazon template=thumbnail&asin=0520208234][amazon template=add to cart&asin=0520208234] STEPHEN KOTKIN: I think there are a lot of people out there, but I can’t see anyone. Which is fortunate. I get stage fright. I have to thank… Continue reading Stalin: Paradoxes of Power, with Stephen Kotkin (podcast)